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Multiple Line Chart in BI Publisher

Here is a sample of how do you do Line-stacked graph. In BI Publisher menu, select chart and drag and drop the required column , do choose type of the chart as Line- Stacked. xml is available in the forum post and here it is

Chart Data Values

In Chart generated from BI Publisher, how do i show the data points in the chart. Example, say on top of BAR being displayed,i want to display the data values. Have answered this many times, but did not note it down for others to refer. <MarkerText visible="true"> <Y1ViewFormat> <ViewFormat numberType="NUMTYPE_GENERAL" numberTypeUsed="true"  /> </Y1ViewFormat> </MarkerText> open the chart image in RTF, right click, format picture, got to ATL TEXT tab. add the following text between the element.

Chart Title

How to change the font and color in graph title Here it is. Use the Bi Publisher chart - option to change the fonts/color

Apply number locale dynamically

Number format in Bi Publisher. If i have a requirement to display different locale number format in same report, how am i supposed to do it. Probably, the locale will be available in the xml itself, How do i use that display the number format for that locale correctly as needed. Oracle has provided with number formatting function, i already have discussed few of them before. There was a question about this in the forum. Here is the real example of how to do it.