
Showing posts from May, 2009

Cross tab, by limiting the number of colums

Cross-tab is the report, when the number of columns are unknown. But if the columns exceeds the page, the rest of the columns are moved to next page, by default. Horizontal-table-break command will be helpful here to repeat the number of columns to the next page. But if we want to control the number of columns that is displayed and if it exceeds the certain number, then the table has to be created in the same page from the columns where it left. In case there are 6 columns going accross (columns going accross are dynamic...). the first 5 columns should be displayed in one table and next 1 in another table below the first table In case of there are 16 columns going across.. 1st five columns in first table, 2nd five columns in 2nd table below the first table, 3rd five columns in third table below the 2nd table and remaining one column in the fourth table below the 3rd table is it possible ? Yes it is possible :) Here it is.

BIP Log - enable debug

You can enable the log. Go to JDK/jre/lib directory. 1. Create a file named xdodebug.cfg file with the following content: LogLevel=STATEMENT LogDir=[full path]/temp 2. Restart the BIP server. In the above temp folder xdo.log file will be created, you can get all info there Once your debugging is done, remove the file or rename the file to something else and restart the server. There are some enhancements above this in latest releases. if you cannot do the above steps for some reason, then we can go for those steps.

BIP Documentation

1. go through some of the samples provided in the desktop version. 2. Link 1 3. Link 2 4. Link 3 5. Clustering Link 4 6. Link 5 7. Link 6 8. ebiz Link 7 9. Functions Link 8 10. Offical Forums which can show the light, when it is dark 11. Datatemplate 11. Func Samples


Configure Concurrent Reports to be run

In BI Publisher Standalone, How many concurrent reports can be run ? By default, it is set to 3. in-order to change it to 'N'. following change is required. 1. Go to Admin/Scheduler/ 2. identify the line org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount=N 3. Change this to N, in order to concurrent no of reports to be run at a time.

Notes to look at

Sorting on Formatted Date

sort:concat(substring(d2,8,2),string-length(substring-before('XXXJANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC',substring(d2,4,3))) div 3,substring(d2,1,2));'ascending';data-type='Number'

No data found

No data found, dynamically based on the data in xml. here is the sample , if you have row, show the data in table. use count() function to identify whether the row exists or not. I just used this this function, but you can very well use any expression to evaluate this condition to be true.


Oracle Bi Publisher Plugin word 2007

To validate the Oracle BI Publisher Plugin in Word 2007. If you are upgrading from the older version of Word to Latest 2007 +, then you got to clean up and install.

delete files older than x days

$ find /path/to/folder/*.file -mtime +1 -exec rm -f {} \; 1. Find all the files in the given path 2. -mtime, specifies the number of days old than today. +1, tells files older than 1 day. 3. -exec, executes the given command like "rm -f" 4. {} \; , ends the command