<ROWSET> <ROW> <first_name>Y</first_name> <AAA_DIFF_FLG>N</AAA_DIFF_FLG> <BBB_DIFF_FLG>Y</BBB_DIFF_FLG> <CCC_DIFF_FLG>Y</CCC_DIFF_FLG> </ROW> <ROW> <first_name>Y</first_name> <AAA_DIFF_FLG>Y</AAA_DIFF_FLG> <BBB_DIFF_FLG>N</BBB_DIFF_FLG> <CCC_DIFF_FLG>N</CCC_DIFF_FLG> </ROW> </ROWSET> count the element name like 'DIFF_FLG' with the value ='Y'. Ooops, Looks so simple, but was not able to do in 1o mins. was struggling to get this today evening, thought will crack it tomorrow morning. Didn;t get enough peace in mind, when i had my dinner. cracked it in few mins :) when i was having my cup of milk in the night. <?for-each:/ROWSET/ROW?> cccccccc<?count(.//*[(name(.)=’CCC_DIFF_FLG’ or name(.)=’AAA_DIFF_FLG’ or name(.)=’BBB_DIFF_FLG’ ) and .=’Y’])?> TTTTTc<?count(.//*[(substring-after(name(.),’_DIF’)=’F_FLG’ ) and .=’Y’])?> -----...