
Showing posts from October, 2008

Subscript , Superscript in BIP

How do i create a subscript and superscript in BIP ? we got use the fo element, inorder to display the element as sub or super <fo:inline baseline-shift="super" font-size="6px">2</fo:inline> <fo:inline baseline-shift="sub" font-size="6px">2</fo:inline> Just replace the number value 2 with element from XML. either using <?elementname?> or <xsl:value-of select="element_name"/>

Previous , next element ?

How to access the next element in the xml from the current context? Sometimes, we need the previous month node value, to compare with the current month value. Use XSL functions like following-sibling::, preceding-sibling:: <?for-each:/ROOT/ROW>? ================== Current StartDate <?START_DATE>? Current End Date <?END_DATE>? Next Start Date <?following-sibling::ROW/END_DATE>? Previous End Date <?preceding-sibling::ROW[1]/END_DATE>? ================ <?end for-each>? <ROOT> <ROW> <START_DATE>01-01-1980</START_DATE> <END_DATE>01-01-1988</END_DATE> </ROW> <ROW> <START_DATE>01-01-1988</START_DATE> <END_DATE>01-01-1990</END_DATE> </ROW> <ROW> <START_DATE>01-01-2000</START_DATE> <END_DATE>01-01-2005</END_DATE> </ROW> </ROOT> o/p ================== Current StartDate 01-01-1980 Current End Date 01-01-1988 Next Start Date 01-01-1990 Previous...

Count element name like ?

<ROWSET> <ROW> <first_name>Y</first_name> <AAA_DIFF_FLG>N</AAA_DIFF_FLG> <BBB_DIFF_FLG>Y</BBB_DIFF_FLG> <CCC_DIFF_FLG>Y</CCC_DIFF_FLG> </ROW> <ROW> <first_name>Y</first_name> <AAA_DIFF_FLG>Y</AAA_DIFF_FLG> <BBB_DIFF_FLG>N</BBB_DIFF_FLG> <CCC_DIFF_FLG>N</CCC_DIFF_FLG> </ROW> </ROWSET> count the element name like 'DIFF_FLG' with the value ='Y'. Ooops, Looks so simple, but was not able to do in 1o mins. was struggling to get this today evening, thought will crack it tomorrow morning. Didn;t get enough peace in mind, when i had my dinner. cracked it in few mins :) when i was having my cup of milk in the night. <?for-each:/ROWSET/ROW?> cccccccc<?count(.//*[(name(.)=’CCC_DIFF_FLG’ or name(.)=’AAA_DIFF_FLG’ or name(.)=’BBB_DIFF_FLG’ ) and .=’Y’])?> TTTTTc<?count(.//*[(substring-after(name(.),’_DIF’)=’F_FLG’ ) and .=’Y’])?> -----...

Barcode , MICR font in BIP

It seems there is difficulty in making the barcode or MIRC font to be printed in the Report using BIP from concurrent program for Ebiz. Basic idea is , these are nothing but a specialised font, the system should recognize them and display it.. 1. Font should eb installed in the server 2. mapped in the BIP 3.Used in the Report Template. here are few links which throws lights on how to do it. This pdf should help you .