No conditional import - Subtemplate

You cannot do the conditional import of sub-template. Import them and call them conditionally Create a rtf called MAIN.rtf paste the follwoing. <?import:file:///C:/OraFusion/subtemplate1.rtf?> <?import:file:///C:/OraFusion/subtemplate2.rtf?> <?call@inlines:template1?><?with-param:p_template1;string(‘Call template 1 RTF’)?> <?end call?> <?call@inlines:template2?> <?with-param:p_template2;string('call Template 2 RTF')?> <?end call?> <?if:1>0?> <?call@inlines:template1?><?with-param:p_template1;string(‘Yes, 1 is greater than 0’)?> <?end call?> <?end if?> <?if:1>1?> <?call@inlines:template2?> <?with-param:p_template2;string('call Template 2 RTF')?> <?end call?> <?end if?> The above condition fails, so template2 is not called Create a rtf called subtemplate2 paste the following <?template:template2?> <?param:p_template2;string('sub template 2 rtf...