
Showing posts from August, 2008

Bi publisher XSL Xtended -- continues

I am just releasing the samples in installment basis ,.. i guess, someone who needs to have a look, how to use the xsl extended functions in RTF template, this might be handy...

Xslt Functions continued

here are few more function with samples...

XSLT extended functions

We will look at the function which are available to us in BI Publisher. All the function should be begin with xdoxslt:{function_name} To start with , here are few.

தமிழில் கதை

தமிழில் கதை ஒரு தாத்தா நான் . என்னவென்று சொல்வேன் கூகிள் தாத்தாவின் அழகான மொழி பெயர்ப்பு தன்மையை , அற்புதம் ஆனால் உண்மை .

E-Text Template

How to generate E-text from Bi-Publisher ? 1. Generate XML using any method like sql,pl/sql,Datatemplate.... 2. Create a RTF template for the above generated XML 3. Deploy it. Generation of xml can be done using any one of the method, if its from Ebiz , then mostly the payment report would be the one , which requires EFT output. So, probably the concurrent program based on RDF is alreaddy generating the XML we wanted. I am gonna take a sample XML file and create the E-text rtf template for that. The Output of the report would be I would discuss different template format to generate the same EFT report in another post. wait for it :).

My First Automated Post

Here is the beautiful sportswoman Leryn Franco is a former Miss Paraguay runner-up as well as a world class javelin competitor

Last page will become first page ,if report is only one page.

hello sir

Different Page header and footer

problem stated : Need different page header and footers for FIRST , rest of page and LAST page. 1. first page 2. other pages 3. last page. Sample is here 1.Create a new template, click on the header, and select the different first page in the header setting. 2.insert a page-break, add the header what ever you want on the other pages header, it can be ?call:subtemplate:? instead of "Other header" text. 3.if you need a last page header and footer to be different.add a break again, add the code 4.Delete the 2nd page-break once you have done. the template has to look like this :) Need explanation i guess..

Can't find template builder in Word

BI Publisher menu is missing, in the Ms word. How to resolve it. 1. To word options 2. Select add-ons 3. Enabled the Have a look at this

How to put group element on the header/footer?

Ex: there are four departments, each department have some employees. Requirement: 1)Each department is on the header and the employees correspond that department is on the detail. 2)Each page display page number of the report on the footer.

How to convert Char into Date format

If you have the date format in the canonical format, then using the functions over them , will give the expected output.. otherwise it wont't sample for this in here Problem stated :convert char format into date format using xdofx:to_char(substr('2008/02/28 00:00:00',1,10),'DD-MON-YYYY') but the conversion is not happening. if the data in the xml for the date field is good For ex: format-date:’2007-07-01T00:00:00.000-06:00’;’DD-MON-YYYY’ you get 01-Jul-2007 as output. Date should be proper format with timestamp. in this format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+HH:MM. Even, If you dont want to change the xml data, still you can manipulate things xdofx:to_date(replace(substr('2008/02/28 00:00:00',1,10),’/’,’-’)||’T00:00:00.000-06:00’,'DD-MON-YYYY') Hope this helped Madhuri to get what she was expecting :).

Sum rows in RTF Template

Grouping and transforming is fun, One more question on forum Asking for Grouping differently.. This is normal grouping Output Product Name |Sales ------------------------|-------- Product A |50 ------------------------|-------- Product B |100 ------------------------|--------- Product B1 |100 ------------------------|--------- Product B2 |25 ------------------------|--------- Product C |75 But I would like a table like : Product Name |Sales ------------------------|-------- Product A |50 ------------------------|-------- Product B |100 ------------------------|--------- Others Prd B |125 ------------------------|--------- Product C |75 ------------------------|--------- Here is sol'n

Display Negative numbers in Braces "( )"

One of our forum user Vency asked for formatting the number to be displayed with in Bracket, if it is -Ve number Forum Question Might M14 gave a quick resolution, of adding the condition PI to display the brackets on both sides, by concatenating '(' and ')' on both sides respectively. 0 then Sales else ‘(‘||Sales||’)’ end if> Looks good, But this hard-work is not needed, there is a simple solution i guess, its old one, but still will be handy for Newbie's.

Row Spanning

Of course the output looks ok, but if you have a closer look You can see the thicker borders produced by the adjoining bottom border of the previous data-containing table and the top border of the next repeated table. If you are looking at the detailed level. Sorry, this is not the solution , you got to look :).... In the previous post, Mr.Matt requested to get the row-spanning, on the left side, With little play with tables , i was able to achieve it.. Hmm, Mr.Matt was asking for Better cleaner method, I was trying to find alternate solution, but another solution version is here :) Hope i will get better one, next time :)..

Alternating bg colors of row GROUPS

It Wasn't a tricky question , but some tweak has to be done, to make it work.. Forum quesion He was looking to make a alternate color for rows.. ha a, he has the trick, he needs to alternate color on each group, not on each row, One way to do this , of-course as Mr.Matt said "variable ugliness" is this :) we need to find a way to toggle for every group, i was looking for some in-built function, it is there i guess, but could not able to find , which one it is... so thought for a while came up with this solution, which is cool and pretty i guess. The trick is to identify that the group end, and another group starts..

Convert Number into Amount in words.

There were some thread longtime back, and they were looking for some xsl function , that can convert the number in to Words.. The great Gareth, gave a suggestion to use package from database & convert into the words :).. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use ap_amount_utilities_pkg.ap_convert_number E.g. SQL> select ap_amount_utilities_pkg.ap_convert_number(trunc(12345678)) from dual; AP_AMOUNT_UTILITIES_PKG.AP_CONVERT_NUMBER(TRUNC(12345678)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twelve million three hundred forty-five thousand six hundred seventy-eight -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another person with great though Frank Greene, can the Oracle BI Publisher access a PL/SQL stored package.function at run time and return a val...

Pivot table / Cross Table with Fixed Number of Columns

In the forum With this data Andy was asking for fixed number of column , Thou i answered him in the forum, but , he needs to see the output and code , how to achieve that.. BIP World , would be happy , if we are able to upload rtf, image files there in forum , so that explaining things cud be easier. Never mind Oracle , can come-up with new things quickly.. here you go !

Last page Continued ..==== The Argument continues :)

There are so many , so many thread , regarding displaying the word 'Continue " in all pages except last page. Thou the Guide has the method to do , but no one has the patience and ability in trying out things in their hand, they all need straight forward answers :0, which of course, is exactly they want. I agree completely with them. Hope, Here in this post we will help them to get some idea :).... Hola -- Here you go ! Steps to be followed : At the end of the document you need to add a section break with Insert -> break -> Section break: next page and then put on the page. Everything before everything after body?> will be the footer for the last page. In the user guide you find it under 5-50 "Last page only content" And Nothing goes, without the output :) ,, here is the output..

Cross Tabs problem with grouping and extra columns; possible bug?

There was a question in BIP forum to get the dynamic column,.. User was Brian, he required , the number of column based on the data in the xml... This was the XML , he gave. He required this kind of output, which is obvious, but , by using the Cross-tab from the menu, and formatting , you cannot expect this output.. That is going to screw up the output. He was thinking, it is some kind of bug, its not a bug, the way he want can be done easily :). Little understanding of how report should work is required :) here is the solution :) Please click on the image to see :)