Cross tab Summation in RTF

Crosstab report.

It can be done in many ways,
ideally people love to take some granular level data and manipulate and apply that in different template.
Advantage of granular level data :
We can use it for some other RTF template.
We can show that the way we need to.

If you pre-group, then your report will be faster.
But you use the flex of using the same data for showing it different layout.
since you pre-grouped it, its fixed data for some layout.
You use this flex here.

its a trade off on flex or performance,
i choose go on the balanced line of these two.

Forums thread with issue

1. it should be pretty simple in BIP template too.
2. have a look the thread link , i answered how to do it in Datatemplate.
3. Db rollup is also good option

but for the answer at OPTION 1 look at this picture.


Chandra R Matta said…
Your blog is pretty impressive with lot of BI Publisher solutions. Many times I refered your blog to fix certain issues.

- For the Cross tab related reports..
BI Publisher Version provided stright forwarded solution.
We can directly use Insert Pivot table feature to create matrix reports.
However these kind of reports(Pivot table) not supported by EBS, when template is registered as RTF. But same will work with XSL-FO templates.
I developed out couple this way.
Vetriselvan said…
Hi Chandra,

Thanks for the support and feedback.
Am glad to hear, that i was help to you.

Anonymous said…
Great solutions! Thanx!
One question: what should we do if we want to add a UOM column in cross table? Can u show an example please? This column isn't dynamic, but depended of dynamic columns values...
Anonymous said…
PS UOM is Unit of Measure of course.
Anonymous said…
Problem is solved by wrapping by one more group.
Unknown said…
Hi Chandra,
Please let me know the step by step how to convert rtf to xsl-fo tempalate and then how to register the same in ebs.
It will be great help for me.
Unknown said…
Hi Chandra,
Please let me know the step by step how to convert rtf to xsl-fo tempalate and then how to register the same in ebs.
It will be great help for me.
BIP User said…
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