Sometimes you might have thought alot, although solution might have been simpler

But thinking harder is not the one to be questioned here in this case,
may be just standing little bit away from the trouble and then ,
if you would have given a thought , you would see that,
yeah , yes , it could have been done that way to get it done better.

similarly, sometimes you throw the control to someone and then wait for it to happen.
If that the case , you are reducing the probability of getting positive result by yourself.

The question shouldn’t be, will it happen? But do we want it to happen, and can we help it happen?”

There is a game called "Lit " (an interesting card game), where we will have to collect a set of cards of same family.I would have collected almost all cards expect one or two, if you give chance to others who has those cards, they will collect other cards of the set from you.

So, if you happen to be some situation similar to this, help it to make it happen to you rather than waiting for things to work for you.


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