Loopin in ?

ha ha h ah ahha hah

Tim has taken my entry from forum thead and updated in his blog for an entry.

Thanks to Tim for this.

As i mentioned in the forum thread, there are many ways to do this.

the another way is :). You can do this in this way too.

create a table with two rows and two column,
in the first row give the heading for the each column as TEXT and ID

In the second row, first column,
type this
""?for-each:LINE_ATTACHMENTS/TEXT? ?.?""

in the second row, second column,
type this
""?following-sibling::.[1]? ?end for-each?""

Longtime back I had a colleague named "James" who had a similar requirement, i helped him little bit.
But i did not follow-up with him, hope he got the solution what he wanted.


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